Wednesday 2 May 2012

Task 3a, Current networks

As I am a dancer emerging in to the more secure and defined teaching sector within my practice, my initial thought to networking as a dancer and as a teacher were to be separate. Yet it has been brought to my attention that there is indeed overlap…and the networking for ‘me’ is me as a whole, with both practices up for offer, especially as I do not want to give performing up yet.
Following a group creation of a dance map of networks in the campus session Anya, Simone and I gave a basic example of possible networks that could be used with reference to all areas of dance; whether it be from a freelance artist, company based or agent orientated perspective. We used this ‘map’ to look at a different configuration of their networks, especially thinking about the connections between these networks.
After looking through many options of setting out and identifying your own personal networking system, including the work of William Greeves and Chris Butler,
I have become aware that there are countless ways to separate distinguish and identify personal and professional contacts within a networking system…here are a few I decided I could use;
·         Time I have known people
·         Where I know people from
·         People in my contact book
·         Frequency of contact with them
·         Who helps me/ who doesn’t and whom I am helping?
·         How they relate towards my ultimate goal of Financial Freedom
·         Connections within my Network, who knows who?
·         Network designed to a specific goal

Below is a personal map where I have described certain networks at this present time…both my performing, teaching and studying world.
My main way of networking is using the personal interaction of face to face meetings or conversations via the telephone. I am more confident this way and I like to get a sense of the personality and be able to judge the persons character for myself, which can be difficult and ofet long winded if if it is established through technology or other means of contact.

Saying that, I do also get contact via FB as I have many stable connections on there from other is a good point of contact or reference, especially if you only have a name, not a business to seek. This is a fantastic networking tool and a very good place to start your search in connecting to people, it does connect to many other places which is an advantage: such as  via websites twitter and blogs so I guess is an umbrella of information containing ‘advertisements’ of people both personally and professionally.
From the Facebook platform the ways I would interact would be a message, post or call if I were to talk to friends or ex colleagues. Yet for instance certain companies or professionals whom I haven’t had chance of meeting I will use Facebook as a means of information where I would seek  their contact information, possibly visit a website they have published, do a little research then follow with structured email and/or phone call.
 I do only have 1 Facebook account, as it has evolved over the years into an overall projection of both personal and professional (as for me that is who I am) Yet I am to decide if is best for me for future teaching roles, where a level of confidentiality has to be maintained.  At the moment it is not to unprofessional, when I think of possible employers and what they will see for the first time, they will see me the passionate dancer who is a workaholic! I do monitor what is on there as it is often pointed out that the profile may not show you in such a professional light.  This is definitely something to take on board, by either adapting my current profile, or to create a separate one.
Maybe this can be later down the line when I know exactly what me and my ‘brand’ is…what are my teaching ideals?  What is it l definitely want to portray and advertise?? Hopefully the next few months this will become clearer.
My dance company has a separate profile of which I am on the account, so allows me to blog, edit post and show the professional side to ‘Hayley’.  Also the new piece we are in the process of creating is a dance theatre site design piece, where each dancer has character. This profile enables us as dancers to interact in character, allows for the creation and development of the persona and enables me maintain the façade of which I feel to be beneficial in my new learning curve (working with drama).
Experience is a great source of networking. With that I mean with every class or intensive I teach, every venue visited, every training session I have or every performance I have had, I will meet and connect with other professionals taking them and/or their knowledge and inspiration with me. It gives advantage as the interaction is after my performance or at least they will have seen me teach, so have an understanding of my practice and the standard of work I produce (can be like a mini audition if you like)
These certain individuals may help create new and exciting opportunities that we can develop together, either for lengthy periods or they can offer one off work… all of which aids my representation of oneself to be seen and hopefully gain further work via word of mouth.
In some cases the new contacts may not be contacted again /or sometimes for at least a long while but it is always nice to know there is someone there willing to help, as I am if anyone asks. An example of recent help given on BAPP is with reference to my previous blog ‘Calling all on tour peers’ Anya sought advice and guidance from me as a professional dancer on tour. And for Simone, I gave her my company contacts, where I further advised my company director to seek out her email regarding company class and possible apprenticeship opportunities. It is not what you know it is who you know, like the saying goes, and being in the place at the right time helps! This is a highly valuable tool there, for me and my practice.
With technology being a tricky thing for me to grasp, I am yet to discover other platforms such as LinkedIn and branchout (with many invitations coming my way via Facebook!!) Watch this space as I do think this could be more beneficial to Facebook.
Does anyone have any advice or think they are worthwhile tools for connections?
I have been contemplating creating a Website. Being in the arms of a successful company is great yet I feel I need to expand my individual horizons whilst following up with connections I have already made. This wil obviously be a great starting point for the time I completely let loose from the grasps and become totally freelance, with regards to teaching and creating my own work. I have not seen much demand for myself to require a webpage, yet I have in too many cases been disappointed if a school, a freelance artist or company have had an out of date website at best. I do wonder how much exposure and business they are losing, as nowadays the first point of reference to a ‘name’ or ‘brand’  would be the internet. This is something for me to mull over.
The branch of friends and colleagues is for me the most important. This is where the golden network is, you can always rely on a friend for information, support or future work.

I intened to strengthen existing contacts, whilst expanding my range and gaining new. I think the best method for me at the moment is to visit new places, education systems, confrences and performances/ technique classes to widen the scope of new and exciting contacts with whom collaborations and transferring of knowledge can be gained.
Upon reflecting on my network, I guess those teachers are right when they say “It's not always what you know, it's who you know", and "you never know who is going to be there".  This makes me think that the only good practitioner is a networked one…leaving me to feel a little left behind, or in some cases a little too sparse with attention I give to this area of my work. I notice now that I have spread myself too thinly across such connections, and I need to devote more time and attention to this sector of my practice.
As a lasting thought, of which I am surprised to come across, however it is that of trust. How far can you be allowed to trust these relationships you create, as after all we are all in it for personal gain? How good is it for your wellbeing as a person, to engage in such relationships that only want you for the value of the contact?
I think I do need to define how much do I actually offer to my Networks, how much do I take from them and how do they view me? The time and energy has again come up through this investigation. Am I conscious that little time therefore a low level of communication, or should I just take that as a little and often is better than none, just to ‘keep me in mind’ so to speak? Also the spare time I have does seem to be spent on me…my work, my practice.  The main source of support and love/fun I receive is from friends and more importantly loved ones…do I give to them what I indeed do take from…that being a lot?? That was a hard question to pose. Hopefully I am not selfish, just busy. :(

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hayley.

    Yes there certainly is a cross over of teachers and performers, especially as many performers will at some point teach, and through performing is where you will first meet many contacts.

    I think it is good to keep in touch, you never know when you can help each other out. Recommendations go a long way in our very competitive industry.

    With regards to trust, define who are friends and who are colleagues. Co-operation is necessary but others definately may have hidden agendas. lol x
