Friday 7 October 2011

CV ... my anxiety

Being within the security of a dance company, I have to admit I have not looked closely at my CV in the last few years...only to add the occasional new performance to it (which as you can see is still nearly a year out of date! shame on me). If I had the opportunity arise to look for more work you can tell I would be in a state of bind panic to upload and change my CV ready for the audition .... a very illogical way of working, this is why I think its time to rework it for the better.

I would really like to hear your thoughts on the lay out and the content as to what I should keep/cut to make it a more professional representation of me and my craft.

I am very aware of the poor standard...and now, with a reluctant effort, I post my CV (Here it goes :-/ )

Hayley CV


  1. I was wondering if I have uploaded the link to my CV correctly? I can see it with the option to 'edit', but I am hoping that is as i am the 'ownwer', and that no others who view this can see the the edit tool bar. Can anyone shed any light to this please?? I guess it is the method of trial and error to begin with!

  2. Hi Hayley,

    Worry not, I can see it! (and it's view only for me)

    It strikes me as being very long on first reading, with a quite small font. I like the table you have used for your work credits as this makes everything clear and easy to follow. Perhaps if/when you get to the stage of rewriting your CV for a particular job you could shorten the list by highlighting the ones most important to the role you are applying for, but all of us seem to have uploaded a generic CV so you may still want to include them all.

    Also, maybe think about reducing some of the text blocks to note form? (e.g. "I was permanent assistant dance director for Scarlet Performing Arts Productions. Within this stage school I, both individually and collaboratively, choreographed dance pieces or musical productions such as ‘Fame’. I was responsible for taking the three hour dance class weekly for the amateur performers. 2001-2005"...

    ...Scarlet Performing Arts Productions 2001-2005: Assistant Dance Director - teacher/choreographer for dance & musical theatre e.g. 'Fame'

    may make it a little more accessible, at the mo it's quite wordy!
    The level of detail you have gone into is good though, and I don't think you should get rid of too much.

  3. Hayley I like the vivacity of your blog. Looks like some good comments from Aicha. Generally - I think there can be different CVs dependent of the situation. Sometimes for a 1-2 page CV choices have to be made in terms of the type of importance or date of the work of training/education. One size does not always fit all - like to hear what others say - I have a long and a short CV. do you think in a way the blog is a CV?

  4. Hi Hayley,

    I agree with Aicha in the fact that at first glance your cv does look very long, but she has given some great suggestions as to how to cut it down but still keep the detail which is great.

    Thinking about what Paula has said the length and detail of a cv can vary between jobs. Personally, I think that for open auditions I would try and cut it down to 1 page possibly cutting out some of the detail and keeping the relevant information for they audition. May be try looking at they layout so you statistics are next to your photo so you can save on how far down the page you are going. On the other hand a longer more detailed CV may be the key when emailing companies for work as they may have more time to read it thoroughly.

  5. Hi Hayley

    As soon as I opened your blog page I was pleasantly greeted with a bright, happy smile (your photo). Your blog page is well designed in my opinion and captures the viewers interest. Perhaps strive to look at your CV as if you are the observer, decide what you are looking for and what you wish to achieve? Your work experience is vast but I would also like to read more about 'you'. I hope this feedback will be useful?

